Building Science Consultant

About Us

Our building science consulting services cover the investigation, resolution, and ultimately the prevention of building physics-related defects and damages.

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What We Do

Consulting Services

We provide consulting services across the broader building science domain, with a specific focus on moisture control.

Expert Reports

We support clients with expert reports that provide guidance in insurance claims and other financial or strategic matters.

Expert Testimony

We provide expert opinions on points of controversy, evaluating facts, details, and explain reasoning, justifying our conclusions.

Our Consulting Services


We conduct forensic investigations and provide building diagnostics utilizing in-situ assessment methods, sensor and data logger systems, and employ simulation tools to identify the root of building related issues and provide recommendations for remedial and preventive actions.

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We provide building simulation services ranging from thermal, hygro-thermal, lighting, to acoustic performance simulations using dynamic software simulation tools, including Finite Difference Method, Finite Element Analysis, and Boundary Element Analysis applications.

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Whether you look for consulting on a single engineering issue, consider optimizing existing designs, or seek assistance in the development of a whole building project from conceptual design through commissioning, we are prepared to come on board of your team.

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Have you considered your next project to be a Net-Zero-Energy Building?

We provide design assistance and technical know-how to get it right.

What is Building Science?

Our Memberships

American Society
of Civil Engineers

Architectural Engineering Institute

American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers

National Institute of Building Science

Society of Building Science Educators

Building Technology Educator Society